Thursday, December 5, 2019


We cannot predict what will happen in the March special election for District One. We will see by Friday who is actually running for the seat. But there certainly are fissures developing in the Cori Schumacher political machine.

If Simon Angel follows through on his announced candidacy, that will be the third high profile defection from the ranks following those of Linda Hendrickson Breen and Barbara Hamilton. The picture alone may give us one of the reasons why. 

The governance of any community cannot be always about one person, their ambitions, and frankly their drama. It cannot be all about a handful of homeowners organizing to use political means to undo their purchase of a home near Palomar Airport.

No matter how many people swear to the lies justifying Councilwoman Schumacher's hoped-for snap coronation, it is pretty apparent it was a ruse designed to give one person another two years on the City Council. They may have gotten their wish, but the fact remains the preponderant majority of signature gatherers were dispatched to District One to force an election without much organic support from actual residents. 

The other day a piece appeared in the Carlsbad Patch from "Raymond Bender, Neighbor", a well-known anti-airport activist and social media surrogate for the Councilwoman. Bender actually stated the following in his lead, "Let's hope you're not next to Carlsbad Mayor Matt Hall should you, God forbid, have a heart attack or conniption. Expect a call to 911? Instead, get a call to 119." 

Though open online denigration of Cori's political opponents is an ongoing feature of the bitterly divided Carlsbad that the incipient Schumacher/Bhat-Patel/Acosta machine has conjured for political advantage, it is stunning how the rhetoric of personal destruction has become so commonplace in a once harmonious community.

Anybody paying attention is used to the routine assignment of every sort of political sin to Mayor Hall via the network of Cori friendly Facebook groups, but to anybody with any conscience resident in their souls, this comment begs for the question "Have you no decency?" 

Sometimes political loyalty carries with it too great of a price. Though Councilwoman Schumacher is the direct beneficiary of her personality cult's toxic and shrill rhetoric, those acting in her name have gone to the well one too many times when it comes to what can only be defined as hatred over trivia. 

We are increasingly collectively worn out by the weaponized weekly manufactured outrage of a small clique of privileged NIMBYs. In the final assessment, those voting in District One this March, and those voting in Districts Two and Four in November are participating in a referendum on their community and its soul.

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