Tuesday, September 1, 2020


So who in the (Expletive deleted) is Brian Robert Higgins? He is running for Carlsbad's City Council in District Two as an obvious Trump acolyte. He looks like he is running to be Vladimir Putin's successor. And there is something about Brian, you should know. He's lived in Carlsbad less time than we've had the pandemic.

But he wants to take Carlsbad "back". From what?  In most estimations that slogan by its very overuse is drivel. But when someone has lived in a community for a veritable coffee break, it's rather funny. 

And if an aspiring young politician wishes to go after Gavin, the least he can do is spell the guy's name correctly. It's Newsom. Not Newsome. 

So we searched for his qualifications to parachute on into town and pull papers. It seems the resume is a little light on specifics. 

And though we congratulate the candidate for his advisory Board position, the only Memoire Bakery we can find seems to be a tiny sole proprietorship domiciled at an undisclosed location somewhere in California.  It's hard to see why they need a "Board of Advisors". 

So you may ask, I'm certain that Brian has done a lot of community service. And you are right. If you are talking about La Mirada.

Interestingly, Mr. Higgins has pulled off quite the trick. He has managed to become a "City Council nominee", without ever seeing a primary. He follows that conflation, with the declaration. He's a Christian. Just not a detail guy. 


So who in the (expletive deleted) is Brian Higgins? For starters, his candidacy is either a vanity situation or (more likely) he's an import placed in the race to siphon far-right-wing votes from actual Republican Keith Blackburn. 

If the latter is the case, its foreshadowed by the conflations and omissions we see on the candidate's own propaganda.  And if one assumes it's vanity, one might ask a guy streaming Melania on his campaign FB page, why he would want to elect a Democrat and give Cori Schumacher control of Carlsbad? If he even knows who she is. 

Alternately he does know the Coricrats and is running as a carpetbagger from LA County, at somebody's behest, to skew our local election.  Whatever the case may be, if you live in Carlsbad's District Two, a vote for this aspiring politician is a wasted one. Don't fall for it. 


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