Monday, August 10, 2020


Looking back at the many cases of Cori Schumacher's going off on City Staff and berating them from the prism of time, it stumbles across one of its first manifestations. Interestingly one of the targets was a man who withdrew his Council candidacy in 2016, (Brian Flock) in order to support our "surfer savant" Ironically his act of generosity was conditioned on Cori's support of campaign finance reform.

We saw at the recent meeting of Cori's "Clean Energy Alliance" how that was another promise that ended up being inoperative, thousands in building-related donations later.

Here's a quote from Cori's tirade against the staff of her Clean Energy Alliance, in the interests of her largest donor, the IBEW (Electrical Workers) Local  

“Legal analysis should end at legal analysis and not come with additional recommendations,” she added. “It’s something I don’t find to be helpful. This is a pure policy decision. Unsolicited advice is not welcome in a forum where the public cannot weigh in.”

But it is interesting to dedicate this "Throwback" moment to this early warning signal. As is known, Councilwoman Schumacher and her minions have been busy COVID shaming a Carlsbad Police Officer over not wearing a mask and being seen on a Surf Cam. 

The earth is scorched weekly by another tirade by the Councilwoman, amplified by her chorus of angry cultists whose ancestors plausibly lived in Salem during the witch trials. Amazingly, as we see in the campaign mailer rescued from the dumpster, the same people charging folks with homophobia towards the Councilwoman has no issue with her "transparently" using a picture designed to present her to the gullible as an advocate of the nuclear family. And think of this, at the time this was originally written, Barbara Hamilton was seated behind the dais unaware of the troubles she was about to face at Cori's hands. Enjoy.

While running for office, Carlsbad Councilwoman Cori Schumacher has consistently raised two major platform planks. "Transparency" is one. "Community Engagement" is the other. Following is a saga that features a group of volunteer citizens attempting to actualize both while being punched in the nose by guess who? Carlsbad Councilwoman Cori Schumacher.  

The Carlsbad City Council meeting of January 29th featured Councilwoman Corinne Schumacher continuing a vendetta that first manifested during the Council Meeting of December 18th. Her target was a nominal grant that was awarded for an electric vehicle event. This matter was clearly within the discretionary authority of the City Manager and the City's staff to execute. 

Many hours of staff labor were diverted to preparing a voluminous report for the Council's Agenda Packet on this trivial matter. If Councilwoman Schumacher was counting on the final work product to justify her irresponsible and uninformed attacks on the integrity, competence, and good name of the City Manager, she was sorely disappointed. 

Brian Flock, Simon Freedman, and the Electric Vehicle Association voluntarily brought to the City of Carlsbad a proposal that would help the city meet the climate action goals as expressed by the Climate Action Plan. 

These citizens diligently worked to connect Carlsbad to an additional $80,000 for an employee and fleet charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. They were partnering with the city staff to stage an event to educate citizens on both electric vehicles and the City’s Climate Action plan. The extensive information seen in the agenda packet testifies to the substantial investment of volunteer time and effort devoted to planning and fundraising for the Carlsbad Drive Electric Event. 

On January 8, these caring volunteers were forced to notify the city that the project was canceled due to the “recently introduced political uncertainty”, which made fundraising impossible for a 100% volunteer, non-profit organization. Their project was terminated for only one reason: Councilwoman Schumacher’s behavior at the December 18 council meeting. As noted by Linda Breen in her remarks to the City Council on the issue,

"Councilwoman Schumacher: in your remarks, you framed this laudable and worthwhile grassroots effort as 'questionable'. Actually, volunteers devoted their energy to the planning and execution of a free event that would have educated residents on Carlsbad’s Climate Action Plan, helping to achieve those goals. Through a creative partnership with Carlsbad’s car dealers, this effort would have been justified by increased sales tax revenues alone.  

To see a council member characterize this worthwhile effort by dismissing it as 'questionable', was unkind, unnecessary and untrue. Threatening to deny such a modest request for funding is simply wrong. 

Ms. Schumacher, in the December 18 council meeting, you stated that our city manager had approved a "questionable" grant in an amount that exceeded his authority. You were incorrect. If you had been correct about the ordinance, Mr. Chadwick would have exceeded the authorized amount by 1 penny (for a special event grant), You clearly knew that $4999.99 would have been allowed and the grant amount was $5000. Your public disrespect is simply wrong."

Between the pointed public comment and the voluminous facts presented by City staff in the Agenda Packet of January 29th, Ms. Schumacher was left desperately grasping for some justification for some of her petty and unfortunate statements. on December 18th. Though the issue was moot, she eventually hung her hat on the tenuous ground that the proposed event organizer held a seat on the Commission for Historic Preservation.

Councilwoman Schumacher was hoping for a trifecta, the chance to embarrass two gentlemen that were former supporters and a way to demean and humiliate the new City Manager while burdening the City's professional staff. One may ask, why would a brand new city Manager be in the crosshairs? One plausible answer is a simple one. With a 3 to 2 nominally Democratic City Council Majority, the search just may be on to find a pretext to remove those currently occupying exempt positions in City Hall and replace each with a patronage appointment. 

Ms. Breen concluded her remarks to Corinne with this observation: "A reasonable approach would have been to privately ask Mr. Chadwick for clarification of the policy, and he could have privately corrected your confusion. You have publicly embarrassed a city employee by questioning his integrity. An apology needs to be offered. The City Manager is still a city employee. You are one of Mr. Chadwick’s direct supervisors."

Amen. As can be imagined no apology was forthcoming from Corinne Schumacher. (Note, this moment was why the Councilwoman decided to famously put the speaker "on blast" not long afterward

We did receive yet another confirmation of something a prominent "Citizen for a Friendly Airport" leader once said to a small group. The "kind, necessary, and true" mantra was solely meant for public consumption, that is "not how we really play the game." From painful personal experience, I can only say "no kidding." 

I used to worry about the personality cult surrounding the Councilwoman believing she is infallible. What should worry us all is that Corinne is well on the way to believing the same thing. Continually saying everything one person has done is evil while asserting the other side utters only things that are “kind, necessary, and true”, is an utter delusion. 

Constructing cults of personality around a politician ushered in the Age of Trump. Inciting a mob to "Lock them up" without more than conjecture poisons the well long after the election. There are very few instances of utter good and utter evil. Unless one begins to believe in their own delusions. 


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