Thursday, August 27, 2020


"Antagonists to the Church of Scientology are declared by the Church to be antisocial personalities, Potential Trouble Sources (PTS), or Suppressive Persons (SPs). The Church teaches that association with these people impedes a member's progress along the Bridge to Total Freedom.

In an Introduction to Scientology Ethics, L. Ron Hubbard sets out the doctrine that by being connected to Suppressive Persons, a Scientologist could become a Potential Trouble Source (PTS):

A Scientologist can become PTS by reason of being connected to someone that is antagonistic to Scientology or its tenets. In order to resolve the PTS condition, he either HANDLES the other person's antagonism (as covered in the materials on PTS handling) or, as a last resort when all attempts to handle have failed, he disconnects from the person. He is simply exercising his right to communicate or not to communicate with a particular person. "

Leah Rimini's experience in leaving Scientology sounds a lot like reading "Wake Up Carlsbad", the NEXTDOOR group run by "Seldom" and "Nutz", and Councilwoman Schumacher's social media feed.  The consequences sound very similar to those suffered by those not supporting Carlsbad's Surfer Savant.  We can name her cult "Surfentology"

With the Councilwoman's recent political issues I've noted the resurgence of my favorite false narrative, that "Breen" is somehow personally responsible for Councilwoman Schumacher's ongoing political and interpersonal issues.

More insulting to residents of a community with a well educated and affluent populace, the Councilwoman and her social media surrogates want you to believe that each of you is so stupid as to totally base your feelings, perceptions, and thoughts, based on one man's opinion.

NOBODY is holding a pistol to Cori Schumacher's head and forcing her to make dumb, divisive, and ridiculous comments on Twitter. Nobody is forcing her to take big donations from big unions and then act as their agent and vassal. NOBODY is forcing her or her core supporters to treat others like they are disposable props to be demeaned and discarded to fit their tactics of the moment.

In case you have not noticed yet, there is no coherent ideology behind Surfentology, except for Cori to obtain and retain power. Those of you on the outside of the surfer savant's Team of Trolls, are held in utter contempt for your intelligence, and the lack of attention most have about local politics is their greatest asset.

Admittedly, I do not believe in giving a platform to those who abuse me and those I care about. But my opinions are also those of a private citizen who will be damned if I'm slandered, threatened, doxxed, or libeled into shutting up. If I have any influence, it's only because I take care to provide some facts and evidentiary basis for my opinions. Of course, I am pleased when I feel my content is respected for the fact that I do not choose to insult your intelligence. But that is a long journey from the Surfentologists who seek to blame all others for their heroine's mistakes.

Their false narratives and tactics are easily understood Anybody posting in a non- Surfentology approved forum, no matter the subject, is contacted and threatened. Though most posts in non-controlled platforms are only questioning Cori's aberrant behaviors because of something she has said or done, those reporting on it are denigrated as a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, or when all else fails a variety of schoolyard monikers. 

The Councilwoman and her surrogates float the narrative that even issue-driven comments and observations are somehow veiled personal attacks, because any free thought has long ago been rejected in those quarters, and because our local L. Ron Hubbard cannot deal with any critiques or dissent. 

History indicates how it is impossible to oppose a demagogue or a cult leader on the issues. I and countless others have written long and well-documented pieces on issues, only to be told that facts aside, they are all still just a heinous personal attack on the Councilwoman. Like all else, it's all about our incipient L. Ron Hubbard and the trademarked weaponized false victimhood we have endured for years. Yes, it is like we are being controlled by a cult. There even is a hagiographic biographical film of our cult leader.

In Scientology, they have a term for departed members of the cult. They are termed "A Suppressive Person (SP)." In the parlance of "Surfentology", any and all people who get in the way are also framed as those who will "suppress other people in their vicinity, or who "goof up or vilify any effort to help anybody" and oppose "anything calculated to make human beings more powerful or more intelligent."

With the leadership of our enlightened cult leader, all things are possible it seems. If you compare the troll army at her command to Scientology, she could really claim to have a "Surf-org" of fanatical and ruthless adherents to go along With Hubbard's "Sea-Org." Here are some fawning examples from yesterday's worship-fest. 

"Thank you for making it easier to find out what is going on within our City."

"Great oversight and governance Cory, thank you"

"So grateful for your service to our community. Thank you, Cori!"

"Aloha! Cori. We love you"

One can only hope that the Councilwoman handles her inevitable departure from the political scene a bit better than this guy. 


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